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Workspaces for Collaboration

工作空间使我们的365滚球官网创意团队和行业合作伙伴能够从媒体库的各个领域收集资产进行共享, 评论, 并批准资产都在一个地方和实时-无需离开PhotoShelter. 用户可以从不同的库中收集资源并将其添加到工作区, then invite other users to work with those assets. 

访问 & 创建工作空间


To create a new Workspace: 

  • Log in on to the UCM 媒体库 Portal site.
  • Click "Workspaces" in the Portal navigation bar.
  • To create a new Workspace, click "New Workspace."
  • In the window that appears, name your Workspace. We suggest the name begin with your username or department name, followed by a short description of your project. A longer description is also encouraged. When done, click “create.”
  • 现在,您已经准备好添加图像并共享工作区以进行协作.
  • Before you can invite others for collaboration, 您将需要向UCM数字资产管理器请求权限以获得适当的权限.
  • 从工作区中找到并单击右上角的金色圆圈.
  • You will now see your permission status.
  • To request additional permissions, click on Request Permissions.
  • 选择“允许我邀请”和此项目所需的任何其他权限.

注意:所有365滚球官网的用户都可以从媒体库上传资产到工作区. “允许我(用户)上传”权限允许用户从他们的计算机上上传不在媒体库中的媒体文件到工作区以进行协作. 请参阅下面“在工作空间中协作”一节中的“上传新文件到工作空间”.

  • When ready, click on Request Permissions. An email will be sent to you once approved.
  • The workspace is now ready for you to invite users for collaboration.

To access a shared Workspace:

  • Log into the UCM 媒体库 Portal site.
  • Click "Workspaces" in the Portal navigation bar.


  • Click to expand the "Shared with Me" tab in the left pane.
  • Select a Workspace from the options available.

Adding Files to a Workspace

可以从受邀画廊视图和Portal Search结果页面批量或单独地将文件添加到工作区. 选择文件时, 使用如下图所示的“添加到工作区”图标将一个或多个文件添加到工作区.

Adding Single Files to a Workspace from Invited Galleries

  • Click on a file thumbnail to view a single file.
  • Using the Quick Actions toolbar in the Portal footer, select the "Add to Workspace" icon to add the file to a Workspace.
  • Select an existing Workspace or create a new Workspace and click "Add."

Adding Multiple Files to a Workspace from Invited Galleries

  • Click the "Select" icon in the Portal footer. 
  • Use the Select icon on an image thumbnail to select an individual image. 
    • 提示: To add all files in an Invited Gallery to a Workspace, 使用Portal页脚中的快速操作工具栏“选择全部”,也可以使用Shift + Click快捷键选择组中的多个项目.
  • 选择完成后,单击Quick Actions工具栏中的“添加到工作区”.
  • Select an existing Workspace or create a new Workspace and click "Add."

Collaborating in a Workspace

Once files have been added to a Workspace, there are a number of actions users can take on those files.

Curate Sets of Files With Approvals

批准使您能够实时收集团队的反馈,以便您可以轻松地为您的工作流程策划最佳资产. Library 工作人员 or any Invited User with “Approvals & Comments” permission can approve files. 

在工作区视图中, 将鼠标悬停在资产上并单击拇指向上图标以批准它,再次单击该图标以删除批准.

Download Files From a Workspace


  • 在Workspace视图中,单击页脚中的下载图标来下载工作区中的所有资源.
  • 要下载单个文件,请单击文件缩略图并单击页脚中的下载图标.
  • Select your file format and file size, then click Download.
  • 在批处理模式下工作时,在快速操作工具栏中使用相同的图标.

Leave and Collect Feedback with Comments

Comments enable you to host real-time conversations in Workspaces. 注释总是与一个文件相关,这样你的团队就可以得到具体的反馈, 喜欢, and dis喜欢 on any individual asset. Library 工作人员 and any user with “Approvals & Comments” permission can leave comments on assets in a Workspace.

  • 在工作区视图中, 您可以看到哪些资产在资产下面有带有消息图标的注释.
  • Click on an asset to enter the Single-File view, and then click the “Comments” tab on the right to view or leave comments. 

Upload New Files to a Workspace

Along with files from the UCM 媒体库, 您可以邀请组织外部的协作者将资产直接上传到工作区,这样您的所有项目文件都在一个地方. 图书馆工作人员或任何具有“上传”权限的用户都可以上传到工作区.

  • While viewing assets in a Workspace, 单击页脚中的上传按钮以调出工作区上传器.
  • 您可以直接从桌面上拖动文件到上传窗口,或者单击“选择文件”从计算机中选择文件.
  • 如果需要, 您可以通过从左上角的下拉菜单中选择一个过滤器,对上传的文件应用自定义过滤器.


自定义过滤器允许用户通过营销渠道组织工作区中的文件, 运动, 项目状态, 团队, or department—whatever your 团队 needs to get the job done. Any user who has access to the Workspace may create new Custom Filters, add files to Custom Filters, and use Custom Filters to narrow down their view in the Workspace.

  • While in the Workspace view, 您可以通过打开左侧的“自定义过滤器”选项卡并单击“新建自定义过滤器”按钮来创建新的自定义过滤器.
  • Once you’ve created Custom Filters for your workflow needs, 您可以将单个文件添加到自定义过滤器,方法是将鼠标悬停在工作区视图中的缩略图上,然后单击“添加到自定义过滤器”按钮.
  • Need to rename a Custom Filter? 在Workspace视图中,打开“Custom Filters”选项卡,并将鼠标悬停在左侧的过滤器名称上. Click the pad and pencil icon to edit the Custom Filter name.
  • 您可以通过在图库视图中选择图像来向自定义过滤器添加一批文件. 选择完成后,单击快速操作工具栏中的“添加到自定义过滤器图标”.
  • 在添加/从自定义过滤器中删除对话框中,选择自定义过滤器,然后单击完成. Or, you can add a new custom filter by clicking on Create New and Add.
  • “Approved by”过滤器使您能够查看已被特定用户或特定用户组批准的资产. 只需打开左侧的“Approved by”选项卡,并选中每个用户名旁边的复选框,以过滤您的工作区并查看这些用户已批准的资产.
  • You can also check on a custom filter along with an approver. To do this, select the custom filter or filters.
  • Select the approver or approvers.
  • 在上面的场景中, 我们只看到自定义过滤器“肖像”中的图像和用户Joe“批准”的图像.



