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365滚球官网努力为学生提供一个温馨的环境, 来自各行各业的教职员工.

让每个人都感到受欢迎和安全的一种方法是使用包容性的语言. Inclusive langu年龄 is about more than just being politically correct — it’s about showing respect for individual differences, 文化和经历. 它尊重与我们机构互动的每个人的人性, 并认识到没有一个种族, 种族, 性取向, 性别或遗产比另一个更有价值. It opens a dialogue and supports our institutional identity and goals of cultivating a valued and diverse community.


在犹他大学,我们是探索者. 这意味着我们使用实际的,直截了当的语言来表达我们的想法. 我们对每一个人都一视同仁,不管他的地位和头衔. 我们不会使用很多流行语或行业术语. 我们希望我们所有的写作都易于理解和易接近. 我们避免不必要的大写和标点符号, 以及限制使用首字母缩略词和缩写. 看到 编辑风格指南 关于如何称呼头衔、学位和其他语言的指导原则,请使用示例.

我们的写作遵循“展示,而不是讲述”的风格. 而不是使用流行语或行话, 比如“cutting edge”,或“声望很高的”,用例子来证明这些事实. 经常, people will add these adjectives because they think it makes the institution or individual appear more important, 但这可能会产生相反的效果,让大学看起来与大众脱节, 精英或傲慢.




作为一所服务于全球人口的大学, it is important to remember that our content may be read by people from across the world.

U of I community members should avoid using langu年龄 that is insensitive to cultural differences or that excludes or offends any group of people, 基于他们的能力/残疾, 年龄, 民族和种族, 性别与性认同, 等. 写内容时, 始终考虑个人或团体的身份是否与内容相关. Do not identify someone’s race, gender, orientation, 种族, disability status, 等.,除非它增加了价值和背景.

在任何情况下,都要首先强调人. 我们的重点不应放在分歧上. 通过简化, 深思熟虑的调整, you can ensure that your content will be accessible to people from varying backgrounds and cultures.

只在与故事相关时才提及残疾. 当提到残疾人时, generally emphasize the person first but be aware that some people view their disability as central to their identity and use identity-first langu年龄, 比如“一个自闭的女人”或“失聪的学生”.” Autistic people and deaf people often — but not always — use identity-first langu年龄. 询问他们的喜好.

当个人或群体的偏好无法确定时, 试着混合使用个人优先和身份优先的语言.

  • Examples of person-first langu年龄: “A person with a disability (not a disabled person or handicapped person), “患有唐氏综合症的女性”或“患有精神分裂症的男性”.”
  • 使用轮椅的人,而不是坐轮椅的人
  • 的 terms disabilities and disabled are generally embraced by disabled people and are acceptable when relevant. Do not use handicap or handicapped, handicapable, differently abled or physically challenged.
  • “无障碍停车场”而不是“残疾人停车场”.”
  • 不要用“受灾”或“受害者?.避免使用带有负面含义的词语. Phrases such as “someone living with …” are generally accepted: “someone living with depression” or “someone who has cerebral palsy.”
  • Vision: People with complete or nearly complete vision loss are blind or legally blind. Those with partial sight may use the terms low-vision, limited vision or visually impaired. 询问他们的喜好.
  • Hearing: People with total hearing loss are deaf; those with partial hearing loss are hard of hearing. 同样,询问对方的偏好.
  • 不要用“正常”或“典型”来形容没有残疾的人. 用“nondisabled”或“people without disabilities”代替.”

U of I has a growing population of students and employees who identify outside of the traditional male-female gender binary. Our content should reflect the experiences of all people, regardless of gender or sexual identity.

有关详细的风格技巧和建议,请参阅 GLAAD媒体参考指南. U (I) ”办公室, 员工发展与学习 offer multiple trainings each year to help employees and students learn more about LGBTQ+ identities.

  • 不要说“男人和女人”,而要说“所有人”或“所有学生”.”
  • 一定要问别人的名字和代词. This can be easily done during introductions: “Hi I’m Joe Vandal, I use he/him pronouns. 你喜欢什么??” Someone’s preferred name may not be the same as what appears in the university system. 总是使用他们的偏好.
  • “的y/their/them”作为中性单数代词是可以接受的.
  • Only include information about a person’s gender or sexual identity if it is relevant to the content.
  • If you are unsure of how to address a person’s gender or sexual identity when writing content, 比如一篇专题文章, simply ask “Are there any aspects of your identity that you would like to share in this article?“自我认同是他们的选择. Never identify an individual as a member of the LGBTQ+ community without their permission.
  • LGBTQ+:对女同性恋的可接受的称呼, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人、酷儿和/或质疑者, 加上其他性和性别认同. Fewer or additional letters can be used to be more inclusive or in quotations and names of organizations and events. 例如,伊利诺伊大学有一个LGBTQA办公室.
  • 避免使用“同性恋”这个词.“问问对方他们是如何认同自己的.
  • Use “woman/women” or “man/men” instead of “female” or “male” to be inclusive of transgender people. 女性和男性指生理性别,而女性/男性指性别认同.
  • Transgender: An adjective to describe people whose gender does not match the one usually associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. “Trans”在第二次参考时是可以接受的. 只有在相关的情况下才认定别人是跨性别者. 询问他们的代词. People who are transgender may also use additional terms to describe their gender more specifically. Avoid saying that transgender people “identify as” their gender, instead say they are their gender. 例如,“Marisol是一个变性女人”或“Tom是一个变性人”.”

伊利诺伊大学为来自世界各国的学生提供服务. 我们的很多教员, post-doctoral researchers and staff members also come from international or underrepresented backgrounds. 许多国家, cultures or religious affiliations have different customs and social protocols you should be aware of. 的 平等和多样性办公室 通过专业发展和学习提供文化能力培训.

国际项目办公室 also offers intercultural programs and events to help U of I community members learn more about each other. 的 多样性风格指南 提供关于不同背景的人的写作技巧.

  • Only identify a person’s race, 种族 or national origin if it is relevant to your work.
  • 总是询问对方的喜好,并尽可能具体地指出某人.
    • 与其说“她是印第安人”,不如说“她是内兹珀斯部落的一员”.”
    • 与其说“他是亚洲人”,不如说“他来自中国北京。.”
  • Native American: A member of any of the first groups of people living in North America. (其他术语:美洲印第安人、第一民族或土著居民.)
  • 拉丁美洲人, 拉蒂娜, 拉丁语:通常是人from的首选名词或形容词, 或者是谁的祖先, 讲西班牙语的土地或文化,或来自拉丁美洲. “拉蒂娜”是女性形式,“拉丁美洲人”是男性形式. 有些人更喜欢中性的“拉丁人”,” which should be accompanied by a short explanation: Gomez prefers the gender-neutral term Latinx.
  • Hispanic: A person from, 或者是谁的祖先, a Spanish-speaking land or culture. 拉丁裔,拉丁裔或拉丁裔有时更受欢迎. 遵从对方的喜好. 尽可能使用更具体的标识, 比如巴西人, 波多黎各人或墨西哥裔美国人.
  • 西班牙语:指来自西班牙的人.
  • 黑白:提到种族时,黑色大写,白色小写. 避免使用“高加索人”这个词.” Capitalizing Black reflects a shared identity and culture rather than a skin color alone.
  • 非裔美国人:指非洲裔的人. 有些人更喜欢用“黑色”这个词.
  • Dual herit年龄: No hyphen for terms such as African American, Asian American and Filipino American.
  • Do not use the term “minority/minorities,” instead use “historically underrepresented groups.“有色人种”一词在必要时是可以接受的, 泛指白人以外的多个种族, but be aware many people of various races object to the term because it lumps together anyone who isn’t white. 尽可能具体一点.

365滚球官网有一个 谅解备忘录 (谅解备忘录)与10个部落政府. 这些部落的成员组成了总统的印第安人咨询委员会. 这些部落是:

  • 科达伦部落
  • 科尔维尔保留地的部落联盟
  • 乌马提拉保留地的联盟部落
  • 卡利斯佩尔印第安部落
  • 爱达荷州库特奈部落
  • 内兹珀斯部落
  • 行部落
  • 鸭子谷印第安保留区的肖肖尼-派尤特部落
  • 斯波坎印第安部落
  • 亚卡马民族的联合部落和乐队

注意不要使用文化上不敏感的俚语或挪用文化术语. 例如,不要说“powwow”来表示“召开会议”.”






电子邮件: uinews@lohrmannclub.net

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